
Amazon Wishlist:

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specifically poop bags:

We sometimes go through hundreds of these bags a day, so we ALWAYS need more.

and trash can liners:

In addition to the poop bags, the park-goers need a place to dispose of them. We use more than 50 a week during the summer.

Concrete culverts:

We’d like to add some more obstacle features to the park. If you have, or know of, any concrete culverts of 30″ or wider interior diameter which are available, we’d be interested in adding them.


We’re looking to add more permanent benches around the path on both sides. These benches are high quality (the ones in the park have been there for 4-5 years) and cost $1200 each (delivered) Please contact us if you are interested in sponsoring a bench individually or as a group.

Fence Art:

We’d like to spruce up our fence line with a little bit of decoration! There are bones and breed silhouettes.

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