About the CDA
Membership Committee
Membership & Volunteers Committee Charter
Events Committee
The Events Committee Charter Continue Reading Events Committee
CDA Board of Directors
CDA Mission Statement
The Chelmsford Dog Association supports responsible dog ownership by providing a venue for recreation, exercise, socialization and education for dogs and owners in the community. Continue Reading CDA Mission Statement
What is the FCDP?
The Friends of the Chelmsford Dog Park was a spin-off organization from the CDA.
As of May 31, 2021, the FCDP decided to disband and maintenance of the park was handed back to the CDA. Continue Reading What is the FCDP?
History of the CDA
The Chelmsford Dog Association (CDA) was organized in 2009 by several Chelmsford residents.
The primary goal of the CDA, when formed, was to promote responsible dog ownership, educate dog owners (and others) and spearhead the construction of an off-leash dog park in Chelmsford, MA. Continue Reading History of the CDA
What is DPAC?
The Dog Park Advisory Committee (DPAC) is a town committe made up of Chelmsford residents who provides advice to the town (through the town manager) regarding the Chelmsford Dog Park. Continue Reading What is DPAC?
What is the CDA?
The CDA (Chelmsford Dog Association) is a group of people who worked to build and now maintain the Chelmsford Dog Park. The CDA also has a goal to educate people about responsible dog ownership. Continue Reading What is the CDA?