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A Discussion on Rules…

A Discussion on Rules…

So, the park is coming along… and I know that everyone is champing at the bit to bring their dogs down and party! Just a little more patience, please. 😛

However, there have been a few who apparently can’t help themselves and have to find something to complain about (yep, you know who you are!)

The most recent instance is someone who felt that, because of the park rules, “the joy & excitement has been sucked out of this by so much policing”.

So, let’s discuss the rules.

Spring is Here!

Spring is Here!

Baroo!! Hello adoring fans!! I'm so excited about the dog park opening! I know everyone else is too! My mommy and all of her friends ask that everyone have patience though as the park comes together! It will be so exciting to bring my little brother Benny to the park...

Playing at the Dog Park

Playing at the Dog Park

Lisa Bert of Fingers and Paws Dog Training., along with Animal Control Officer Erik Merrill, donated their time for two days for the “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” seminars that were held at the Chelmsford Police Station in March. The goal of the seminars was to show folks how to decide whether their dog is comfortable at the Dog Park. She presented hints on dog body language and how dogs think when they meet a new dog. Lisa also stressed the importance of not being distracted by things like your cell phone and other people while at the park.



Yesterday Mummy had a snow day and got to stay home with me and my little brother! I had fun in the snow, but Benny was a little unsure...

Loose Dogs and Dog Fights Webinar (Jan 30)

Loose Dogs and Dog Fights Webinar (Jan 30)

Do you ever find yourself on a walk where loose dogs approach you, maybe even bark or charge at you? Perhaps you have neighbors that don’t keep their dogs in the home. Perhaps you don’t have strict leash laws in your neighborhood. Perhaps people just don’t understand that they should have control of their dogs. Perhaps others just think their dogs want to say, “hi” to you (even if you don’t)!


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