So, it looks like we will need one more work party for the year, although this one is going to be slightly different.
This work will be done on Saturday, November 16 — with a rain date of Sunday, November 17.
Two big tasks that need to happen that are not normally part of a work party:
1- we need the assistance of a person (or people) who are familiar with tuning mowers. We have a John Deere rider mower and a Craftsman push mower – both of which would benefit from a tune-up.
2- We need ALOT of help sorting through and reorganizing the contents of the big shed.
- We need to take everything out
- throw away anything that is broken or otherwise unusable
- Catalog what we have
- put everything back in, in some sort of logical order and storage
2a- Potentially, we would like to build another set of shelves to assist with the organization and storage of the various containers
Normal work party stuff also needs to happen:
- Fill pothole at the parking lot entrance with RAP
- Rake and bag leaves
- Replace the warped landscape timbers at the bottom of the hillside
- Spread mulch up the hillside to cover the bare dirt (and hopefully reduce some of the mud locations over the winter)
- Rake the mulch off of the pathway
- Check the fence lines for any gaps and fill them with RAP
- Potentially: Clear the brush pile next to the dumpster and move the piles of soil, RAP and sand further back so that we can recover a bit of parking.
Please respond here or contact us via email or on Facebook if you are interested in helping (or just come on down on Saturday, October 5). (This does qualify as volunteer hours for high school students and the requirements for the National Honor Society as well as “Community Service Hours” for other organizations.)
As usual, the park will be CLOSED for normal usage during this work-party, but volunteers can bring their dogs to hang out while we humans make the park nice for them (and us).
What we will need:
- A dingo or other front-loader to move mulch and the parking lot piles.
- A tamper/compressor to settle the patch over the pot hole.
- 1-3 people with small-engine knowledge who can help with the mower tune-ups
As always, since we are a community-based non-profit organization, time volunteered for us counts as Civil Service Hours (scouting, national honor society, etc.)