Announcement, Volunteering

The CDA needs volunteers to help dig, plant, and fill in new trees at the Chelmsford Dog Park on Friday starting at 9:00AM and possibly working into Saturday, depending on what we can get done on Friday.Doing this planting will add some much needed shade at the park, as well as looking quite lovely. We expect the planting to take most of the day on Friday, but welcome volunteers for whatever time you have available. Please contact volunteers@chelmsforddogassociation.org if you can help!


Unlike previous work parties, there will be no dogs allowed in the park as we are accessing all areas of the park and there will be vehicles and other machinery in use.




Update 3: New dates picked!  April 30, starting at 9am!

UPDATE 2: Despite the best laid plans…
First Mother Nature threw a nor’easter including a spring snowstorm at us. Now, it turns out that the trees were on back-order and did not get received as planned.
This, unfortunately, is a showstopper for the work, since, without the trees, we have nothing to plant. Accordingly, the digging and planting is now ON HOLD until we receive an accurate date of delivery. (Expected the end of April/beginning of May.)

UPDATE: Despite our best plans, mother nature laughed at us and Friday is going to have a nor’easter blowing through.
That’s too much wind and rain to work in 40 degree temps. Accordingly, the work is postponed until SATURDAY, APRIL 17.




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