$(cash – from Howl’ween, see below),
$(cashier’s check, donation, see below)
$ (xfer from Venmo)
$ (xfer from Square)
$ returned (PayPal non-delivery case resolution)
Donation: $received from anonymous donor
($ starting cash)
+$ cash from event
+$ from vendors
+$ from Park boxes
-$ Total foods cost (reimbursed)
-$ for food purchase
+$ from Wagners for perishable items that we will use
$ (after fees) on Venmo (Oct 17) ($50)
$ (after fees) on Venmo (Oct 23) (2x$10)
$ (after fees) on Square ($31)
= $ total for event + $from a previous week donation.
Park Supplies: poop can liners & bags (none this month)
Purchases: ($ ($ Amazon – replacement drills & toolset
National Grid: (autopay confirmed) ($)
Committee Reports
Fundraising/Events Committee Report
See financials, above
K9 Lifestyles promised a donation of $/month but has not been received since 1st one in May.
Pennies for Puppies jars in local businesses
Howl’ween (Oct 23) – SUCCESSFUL EVENT!
Old Business
Liability Waivers for Board and regular volunteers (collected, scanned, stored)
Park Maintenance
Work Party for raking/cleanup? (no need to close park)
Small dog side was mowed beginning of November
Do we need to mow the all-dog side or rental area?
Flex-seal the feet of the picnic tables?
Plastic chairs put away in big shed
Irrigation blown out for winter by town plumber at the start of November
Plumber has not yet closed out the park water pipes. Water fountains are all turned OFF at this point, however.
Equipment maintenance
1 push-mower (Toro) is fixed. John Deere push-mower is still broken.
Blades on the push mower and the riding mower need to be sharpened. Send for maintenance to Ed’s Lawnmower in the Spring or find someone who can do it as a volunteer.
Closet: Added support dowels for shelves. Need to caulk/seal siding on sides which is showing gaps.
November newsletter sent
Purchase 2 convertible benches for Small dog side? (Replace picnic table under pavilion?)
New Business
Next Meeting(s)
Dec 9 (?)
Jan 13 – Officer position appointments
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