CDA Meeting Minutes 04/08/2021

Meeting Minutes

Chelmsford Dog Association
Board Meeting Minutes

Virtual Online meeting using Zoom Meeting ID: 766-514-403
April 8, 2021  6:30 PM

        1. Call to order
        2. Roll call
          • Approval of minutes from last meeting
        3. Officer Reports
          • Website and Media Report (Will)Board
            1. CDA FB Page:
            2. CDA Website: last 30 days à
          • Treasurer’s Report (Will)
            1. ($ Bank) ($PayPal)
            2. (-) fees ($0.)
            3. (+) recurring $
          • President’s Report (Will)
            1. CDA Memberships: 10
        4. Committee Reports
          • Fundraising/Events Committee Report (Kathy)
            1. Donations
              1. monthly donation from Teri Koral.
              2. mobile phones?
            2. Bricks – arranging a date with Matt Kohl
            3. PetCPR – try to reschedule for this fall
            4. Doggie Photo Shoot – Cara has agreed – need to open registration for timeslots
            5. Cars & Canines – planning for June 19th (day before Father’s Day).
            6. Doggie clothing swap… (Joyce)
            7. Pennies for Puppies jars in local businesses (Kathy & Joyce to follow up) [June?]
          • Educational/Seminars (Will)
            1. Walking dogs in heat/summer safety – concerns, care you have to take, etc. (vet?)
            2. Discussion on introducing puppies to the park. (Joyce found some articles)
          • Volunteers
        5. Old Business
          • Winter/Spring Newsletter (publish was delayed) — going to be solid Spring Newsletter at this point. Kathy’s blog was for Winter was still published but won’t get linked. Kathy’s Blog for trails will be publicized in newsletter.
          • Tree Installation at the park – DPAC asked Will to PM the project.
          • PJ as director (?)
        6. New Business
        7. Next Meeting(s)
          • May 13
        8. Adjournment

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