CDA Meeting Minutes 02/11/2021

Meeting Minutes

Chelmsford Dog Association
Board Meeting Minutes

Virtual Online meeting using Zoom Meeting ID: 766-514-403
February 11, 2021  6:30 PM

    1. Call to order: 6:42pm
    2. Roll call  Lou, Kathy, Joyce and Will 
    3. Approval of minutes from last meeting no minutes available. Missing October and January.
    4. Officer Reports
      1. Website and Media Report (Will)Board
        1. CDA FB Page:  
        2. CDA Website:  last 30 days ?
      2. Treasurer’s Report (Will)
        1. ($ + $  Bank) ($  – PayPal)
        2. (-) PO Box $, gift card prizes $ (1 still pending) $ gift 3 winners 2 claimed prize
        3. (+) Facebook fundraising $, repayment of accidental charge $, donations
        4. $ Kathy’s birthday FB fundraiser yielded $.
      3. President’s Report (Will)
        1. CDA Memberships: 10 + 1 Corporate  
        2. Joyce to send letter out to to boost membership within CDA.
        3. Will to send out Spring newsletter.
        4. Joyce to write a letter for upcoming spring newsletter to recruit membership in CDA.
          CDA is also looking for volunteers to help with upcoming events for 2021.
        5. Kathy to write up blog for newsletter about hiking with dogs in the winter. The article will highlight winter safety measures. Included in article will be list of items to take and how to prepare dogs for hiking. She will also have a link to a site she hiking locations. 
        6. Newsletter to list upcoming events.
    5. Committee Reports
      1. Fundraising/Events Committee Report (Kathy)
        1. Donations 
          1. monthly donation from Teri Koral and single donation from Martin Kaczor. Teri monthly recurring of $20.00. One time donation by Martin of $30.0
        2. Mobile phones?  Kathy hasn’t found a place to accept returns.
        3. Bricks – installation plans tabled until spring. Ground to frozen to proceed.
        4. PetCPR – maybe try to reschedule for this summer
        5. Doggie Photo Shoot – Cara has agreed – set up a date and open registration for time slots.  
          1. Date to be determined. July or September. Prints can be made from Snapfish through Staples or maybe Walgreens. 
          2. Photoshoot: If using Snapfish photos can be picked up Walgreens. Single print of 5 x 7 use Walgreens. 
          3. Can’t use our own printer as picture is only 3 x 5. Like we did it with Easter. 
          4. Picture charge of $1.00 a picture.
          5. Speak with Cara to determine if her camera can set up to printer via Wifi.
          6. Verify with Cara if she can do a July date. 
        6. Cars & Canines – contacted Frank with potential suggestions for June or September
        7. Joyce to contact Agway regarding Easter pictures. 
        8. Educational/Seminars (Will)
          1. Walking dogs in winter /winter safety – concerns, care you have to take, etc. (vet?) Kathy to write blog/article about this. 
          2. Looking for seminar ideas: Introducing puppies to Dog Park.  Joyce to send links to articles to Will. Specifically highlight age and vaccine requirements.
      2. Volunteers Joyce to write blog requesting volunteers. 
    6. Old Business/Open Issues
      1. Nothing to report. 
    7. New Business
      1. Will to contact PJ about Board Position. 
      2. Looking into a possible  clothing/accessory swap.
        1. Joyce to contact Chelmsford Mothers Club to get ideas of how to hold a swap. 
        2. Question to include: Who is making $$? 
      3. Will continue with Cars and Canines.
      4. Doing Pennies for Puppies. Kathy to contact places. Joyce to contact Chelmsford Pizza. Fundraiser for June. 
    8. Next Meeting(s)
      1. March 11
    9. Adjournment 7:07pm

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