CDA Meeting Minutes: 01/14/2015

Feb 24, 2015 | Meeting Minutes

Minutes-Chelmsford Dog Association Meeting

January 14, 2015 Wednesday, 7:00PM

Chelmsford Police Station Community Room., 2 Olde North Rd., Chelmsford, Ma

Call to Order: 7:02PM

Roll Call

Present: Beth, Vivian, Will, Mary, Danielle, Sarah, Sandra

Not Present: Erik

Welcome to the new 2014 Board of Directors & Officers!


*Approval of the Minutes of the preceding meeting

Motion to table the minutes from November 12, 2014: Will

Second: Sarah

*Reports of Committees

Fundraising/Awareness Events-

Politically Incorrect show-November-Beth Bukala represented CDA.

Another show is being held on May 26-Danielle is considering, if not, Vivian will go

Sushi Yanagi-raised $107.00

Applebees raised $45.09

Holiday Prelude: Mary and Sandra did a great job with the pictures-

We raised $36.50-How to we want to share the money with the decorating committee? Sandra says that we give our services and the money goes back to a town project anyway

Future Events:

Agway Farmers Market-January 24-Danielle & Sarah-Mary and Sandra will drop off t-shirts and a donation box, Mary volunteered to man a table on February 21st

Winterfest-February 7, 11-2 -Mary & Sandra are planning some games. We were hoping for more inside space but the “field house” doesn’t sound very big

-Build a snow dog, scavenger hunt, target practice, snow graffiti, relay race, Parachute Plinko? We need games that can be played with or without snow-We need plastic frames and pictures for target practice, Mary has 1, Vivian will check for more, Vivian will collect tennis balls to use if there’s no snow, Vivian will look for bottles and food coloring

Lowell Humane-Steps for Pets-May 3rd 11-2 -4H fairgrounds, Sarah, Mary and Sandra and Beth will be there

*Reports of Officers

*President-Vivian-preparing for tax filing, updated sponsorship form/application-Vivian is working to put prices with the amenities so we can solicit donations

Mary had the idea to divide the town into sections and each take 1 so we don’t overstep each other, Vivian has someone who has volunteered to build us some picnic tables

-Pet Smart wants to do the gazeebo

-Vivian heard from one of the Eagle Scout Troops-she gave them a list of some of the projects we’re looking to do

-Haven’t heard from troop 74 or 81 yet

-Beth will go to Community Tree to check out the economy mulch product, Will will go to Anthony’s Loam to find out why they haven’t responded

-Vivian has a message out to the Lion’s Club to see what they want to do

-Lisa Bert wants to do a seminar on dog park etiquette

*Treasurer-Sandra –

We want to make a deadline for the first phase of brick orders-April 1st

Email from PayPal that we have a donation

*Website news-Will-we need more articles-Sarah? Will is still trying to get ahold of Amazon to see how much money we have in our Smile account. Nothing has been done with our Square account

*DPAC-No news until we have a meeting

*Sarah-Sarah will start on this soon


*Old and Unfinished Business

-Establishing an Internet/E-mail policy-Will will take a look and see what he can get together

-membership program-Will, Sandra and Mary-tabled until next time

-status of main entrance sign design-Danielle spoke to her cousin last night-he will use industrial grade plywood, painted and treated, he wants to donate it but may take help for supplies. We need to send him a couple of ideas and he will do them up.

*New Business

Bylaw and Conflict of Interest policy review-tabled till next meeting

Grand Opening Event -when the time comes-we will divide tasks


Next Meeting Date: February 24th at the Police Station


*Motion to Adjourn @ 8:54 by Will



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